Daymedia in Net Magazine

by Jenna Hussey

I was excited to be asked once again to take part in Net Magazine’s monthly design challenge (March 2016 – issue 277). This months challenge was to create a home page design for a online supermarket.

I love Net mag’s design challenge as they give you so much creative freedom. You can always tell a lot of thought has gone into the designs and the ideas behind them – hopefully mine was no exception. I thought very carefully about the experiences different types of shoppers want, and came up with a fictional supermarket that allows shoppers to shop by meals, as well as the usual single items.

Shopbuy’s core feature is a way for users to purchase all the ingredients they need for a meal quickly and easily – rather than jumping from one ingredient to another. Users can also edit what ingredients they actually need from the preselected ingredients, and choose how many servings they want the meal to provide.

Shopbuy is also community driven, with the meals being created by users and available to users. There’s so many other cool features I thought of, but part of the challenge is having a limited space to showcase your design – so take a look below.
